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A Different Slant 146: Interview of Chris Jones re High Density and Green House Gasses

Host John Flavin interviews Chris Jones, a doctoral candidate at UC Berkeley’s Energy and Resources Group, regarding his research into the impact of high density development in the suburbs on green house gas emissions.  You may be surprised by his conclusions.

Several tools are mentioned during the show and you can find them at:

The website with the carbon footprint calculator is: http://coolclimate.berkeley.edu/carboncalculator

And the FAQ for Chris’ research is at: http://coolclimate.berkeley.edu/files/coolclimate/Jones-Kammen-CarbonFootprint-FAQ-EST-1-10-2014.pdf

Finally, if you want to find out more regarding the CoolCalifornia City Challenge, go to: http://coolclimate.berkeley.edu/challenge/cool-california-challenge-facts-faqs.php








Permanent link to this article: https://radiosausalito.org/a-different-slant-146-interview-of-chris-jones-re-high-density-and-green-house-gasses/