Dock of the Bay… Episode 3: Police Log

If you really want to know a town, take a look at the police log. This episode contains police bulletins from the local Marinscope newspaper and chronicles the adventures and misadventures of local characters and passerby.


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Dock of the Bay… Episode 2: Smellsalito

Smell connects us to our surroundings and has the power to trigger an emotional response. Lance Winters’ job as a master distiller at St. George Spirits is to capture fleeting smells and contain them as a sortof olfactory message in a bottle. This episode follows Lance on a smell walk as he interprets Sausalito through the nose.


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Ep 01: Sausalito Ephemera Log

A lot can be interpreted about a city based on the things that are left behind — the trash and graffiti and afterthoughts that aren’t meant to be considered lend a surprising amount of insight into a place.


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A Different Slant 185 (exhibit): Public Comment and the Proposed Sausalito Ferry Landing Expansion

You can find the presentation of the proposed Sausalito Ferry Landing Expansion at: 

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A Different Slant 184: IMAGINEFERRY

Host John Flavin connects the dots from the various Sausalito “vision” committees over the past seven-ten years and the current proposal for the expansion of the Sausalito Ferry Landing.  Quite a story…


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A Different Slant 183: The Election Post Season

Host John Flavin gives you A Different Slant on the past election season…the good, the bad and the possibly scandalous.


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A Different Slant 181: Politicians Say the Darndest Things

Host John Flavin reviews the more outstanding comments made by politicians this past election season…comments they would probably like to take back.


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A Different Slant 180: The Danger of Elected Officials Lecturing Their Constituents

Host John Flavin lays out the dangers for politicians of lecturing their constituents…it can backfire loudly.


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A Different Slant 182: Voting Isn’t Always Painful

Host John Flavin reviews  the good things that came out this political season.  Typically you step into the voting booth and you think “clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right” and it may be only a little different this year.  But there were some rays of light during the process and John will share them with you.


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Live from the Creole United Festival

Radio Sausalito broadcast live from Dunphy Park in Sausalito

Radio Sausalito broadcast live from Dunphy Park in Sausalito

Radio Sausalito was proud to play a part in this year’s second annual Creole United Festival to benefit music education in local schools. Our live broadcast featured the event’s headliner and inspiration Andre Thierry, and his two hour set was enjoyed by our listeners around the world. The Emcee of the event was Radio Sausalito’s own Dizzy Jones (“The Last Dance” – Sundays @ 10am & 6pm) and the Broadcast was anchored by RuthAnn (“Gumbo” – Tuesdays 4pm & 8pm)  Thanks to everyone who helped make this year’s broadcast a success!



Jonathan and Ruthann anchor the live broadcast from the side of the stage at Dunphy park.

Jonathan and Ruthann anchor the live broadcast from the side of the stage at Dunphy park.


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The Field Trip Episode 093 Beryl Kay ‘Action for Nature’…

Mitchell talks with Beryl Kay, Board-President of the International non-profit organization ‘Action for Nature’.

San Francisco-based ‘Action for Nature’ encourages young people to take personal action to better their environment and to foster love and respect for nature.

Their program, ‘International Young Eco-Heroes’ recognizes children and teens who have completed a project to foster respect for nature through their own actions.

‘Action for Nature’ will hold their ‘International Young Eco-Heroes Award celebration on October 18 2014 in San Francisco and all are invited to the no-cover-charge


For tickets: or call: (415) 484-6220.

Donations to ‘Action for Nature’ are tax-deductible, greatly appreciated and will directly fund the International Eco-Heroes Awards…


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A Different Slant 177: Measure O

Host John Flavin reviews the pro’s and con’s of Measure O on the November Ballot in Sausalito.


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A Different Slant 176: Paul Kaplan and the “Green” Boatyard

Repeat Guest Paul Kaplan explains how KKMI operates a “green” boatyard on the Sausalito waterfront.


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A Different Slant 175: Traffic Management

Yes, there is a way to manage traffic and not become enslaved to it.  Hear three examples of traffic mismanagement and what you can do to dodge future traffic bullets.


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A Different Slant 174: Interview of Paul Kaplan of KKMI

Paul Kaplan, one of the partners of KKMI, shares interesting insights into running a boatyard in Sausalito.  Boating in the Bay Area is a different experience.


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A Different Slant 173: It’s Voting Time Again

For Labor Day, Host John Flavin parodies “It’s Crying Time Again” with a woeful rendition of “It’s Voting Time Again”, with verses for the incumbents, the challenger and Measure O.


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A Different Slant 172: Interview with Sausalito City Council Challenger, Jill Hoffman

Host John Flavin interviews Jill Hoffman, challenger for a seat on the Sausalito City Council.  Jill discusses her education and background, the reasons she is running, how she will handle her colleagues once elected and her goals for her term.


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A Different Slant 171: Whack A Mole

Dealing with the Marin planning process can often remind you of the arcade game Whack A Mole.


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A Different Slant 170: The Tyrant of Marin

Learn the five steps host John Flavin would take if made the Tyrant of Marin


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Sausalito’s Secret History 035: Botts

William Richardson dreamed of a city springing up in Sausalito. Charles Botts actually did something about it.



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Sausalito’s Secret History 034 Gabrielson

Gabrielson Park was once known as “The Hole.”



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Audubon’s Bay Birds 105 – Black Oystercatcher

Impossible to mistake, this stout bird has been making quite a stir in Richardson Bay this summer. Listen in to this edition of Bay Birds and learn why the Black Oystercatcher has stolen our hearts and attention.


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The Field Trip Episode 092 Dezi Gallegos…

Mitchell talks with 18 year-old theater writer, director and actor Dezi Gallegos.
Gallegos, known in the Bay Area as ‘the performance-prodigy’ has been performing in theater since age seven and at age fourteen co-wrote and co-directed the play ‘Prop. 8 Love-Stories’ which played off-Broadway in New York City.


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A Different Slant 169: Neighborhood Crime, the Why’s and the Possible Cure

Neighborhood crime is on the uptick.  Hear why and some concrete ideas for solutions.


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Live Interview with Belgian Trumpeter Jean-Paul Estievenart

Jonathan Westerling interviews Jean-Paul Estievenart – a young trumpet virtuoso who has been getting rave reviews for effectively capturing traditional jazz elements in his new compositions which are sampled here.  What makes it possible to make a good living as a freelance jazz player in Brussels?
(Note that this is a large file, so it may take a few minutes to download.)


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