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Wish List

Radio Sausalito exists a public service and we rely on support from you and the community to keep us on the air. We don’t sell ads or hold pledge drives. (Thank goodness!) In addition to the Online donation link, there are a few items that we seek to have donated to the station. We will recognize you on the air if you’d like, as a small token of our appreciation. More importantly, your donation will help us bring great programming to our listeners.

Radio Sausalito Wishlist:

  • During the pandemic we upgraded our audio switches thanks to your donations. ($700) We also purchased a newer mixing console for our studio ($1,100) from a radio station in Nebraska.
  • Batteries for our power backup system to keep us on the air during storms ($400). Radio Sausalito has a total of thirty-two 12 volt batteries which must be replaced every 2 years and keep us running when the power goes out.
  • Donate to support our music licensing payments. These payments are required so we can legally broadcast music. This is our single biggest expense. The music industry increased the cost in 2016, and again 10% in 2021. Today it is over four times more expensive than when we began.
  • A van or small truck suitable for use as a portable studio ($?)
  • If you’d like Radio Sausalito to be available on the air in your neighborhood, contact us and we can propose adding a signal relay near you. ($ priceless)

To offer any of the items above, contact Jonathan Westerling, station president, at 415 332-JAZZ (332-5299).

If you are moved to make a donation, any amount helps keep us on the air. Please use the Donate Now! page and Thank You!


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