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Bay City Beat

In addition to great music, Radio Sausalito will now help you plan your weekend! We’ve got a new show that’s all about the arts. Bay City Beat is part of our new partnership with Bay City News and will feature intriguing events, and exciting happenings that you will want to get out and enjoy.

Bay City Beat is hosted by Leslie Katz and showcases a unique listing of weekend arts and cultural events around Marin County and the Bay Area. Leslie has been covering the diverse Bay Area arts scene since 1988, when she began compiling Bay City News’ Leisure Log entertainment calendar. She also worked as a news reporter and editor at BCN before serving as arts editor at ANG Newspapers (now Bay Area News Group) and the San Francisco Examiner from 2001-2021. Her weekly show will help listeners discover and learn about new and intriguing things happening in the area.

So make a note to tune in every Friday at 8AM,  noon, and 5PM for Bay City Beat right here on Radio Sausalito!

And if you’ve got an event that you’d like to submit to the show, just email to:

Click here to see and subscribe to the Podcast!



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