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A Star is Born

Radio Sausalito was conceived by owner Jonathan Westerling in December, 1999, as a public service and a gift to the people of the city of Sausalito. The first transmitter was custom built for us in Norway, and went on the air permanently in March, 2000, as an experiment in neighborhood broadcasting. It broadcast with about 50 milliwatts to folks in the northern few blocks of Caledonia Street. Within two weeks the town was buzzing about it and an article praising the station appeared in the local paper.

Inspired by this interest and many accolades, a distinguished Board of Directors was formed featuring several prominent Sausalitans. With Jonathan as President, the station functions as a commercial-free community broadcaster. Since its inception, Radio Sausalito has been consistently named by the Sausalito City Council as a top external factor to have a positive impact to the city.

Every day, Radio Sausalito broadcasts classic jazz 24 hours a day. The station is fully automated, running from custom programmed computers and audio equipment. The computers contain many hours of great jazz which rotate each day in pre-programmed playlists. In addition to the nonstop jazz, we feature several locally produced, jazz and community-oriented programs every week. And we are Sausalto’s official emergency notification radio station — the place to listen in the event of a major emergency.

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