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Legal, PSAs & Contests


Radio Sausalito is a noncommercial community radio station which broadcasts at 1610 Khz AM radio in Southern Marin County and 1710 Khz AM radio in San Rafael. Our transmitting equipment is authorized and certified by the FCC according to the Code of Federal Regulations Part 15. Our broadcast band certifications are NWXAM1000 and MQ5FM-10-TX. This authorization limits our power level and coverage area to approximately include the communities of Sausalito, Marin City, Tam Valley, Mill Valley, Tiburon, Belvedere and Central San Rafael.

As of 2009, our broadcasts are also carried on cable TV in Marin County (except Novato)  thanks to Marin TV (The Community Media Center of Marin). Viewers will hear our programming as the audio accompaniment to the Bulletin Board on channels 26, 27, and 30 when other programming is not airing. Anyone wishing to hear our programming 24 hours a day can tune to Marin County Cable channel 26 and select the SAP (Second Audio Program) or “Espanyol” option on their TV or remote control. See our Cable TV Listening page.

Radio Sausalito is operated as a public service for the residents and visitors of Sausalito and Southern Marin. Our all-volunteer staff helps keep the station on the air 24 hours a day, with our studio as part of the Pines Estate in Sausalito. Our small repeaters are located in many of the surrounding valleys (neighborhoods) and relay the signal to nearby radios. We also have a repeater on the west bluff of Belvedere to serve the maritime community, and a repeater in downtown San Rafael. Radio Sausalito is run entirely on Apple Computers using custom programmed automation and equipment which meets or exceeds FCC specifications.



Radio Sausalito has broadcast literally tens of thousands of Public Service Announcements as a favor to fellow area non-profits. It is one of the many things we do to enhance our community.


The following is standard FCC policy, and pertains to all Public Service Announcements on Radio Sausalito. If your group or organization does NOT meet these requirements, remember that Radio Sausalito can still help promote your event in many other ways! Contact us for details. See our Contact the Station page.


Radio Sausalito will produce and air information about your event or organization at no charge, provided that the following three criteria are met:

1) The organization(s) involved possess federal non-profit status. (Proof of non-profit status may be required.)

2) The event will be occurring in Southern Marin, San Rafael or San Francisco.

3) Information is received at Radio Sausalito more than seven calendar days prior to the date of the event.


To submit a PSA for consideration, please send it via e-mail to: psaATradiosausalitoDOTorg

Note: Radio Sausalito does not broadcast or endorse “politically oriented messages” of any kind as regulated by the 1934 Broadcasting Act.



  • Radio Sausalito Contest/Giveaway Rules:
  • Contests and giveaways may happen over the air, via e-mail, online, or during events, live remotes, or concerts.
  • Volunteers, staff and family of Radio Sausalito are not eligible to win.
  • Individuals who have won a prize from Radio Sausalito are ineligible for any contests/giveaways for the period of one month.
  • All prizes are to be picked up at the designated pickup point for that contest or giveaway within seven (7) calendar days from the time of notification unless Radio Sausalito has announced that we will mail the item to the winner. After seven (7) days, unclaimed prizes will be handled at the discretion of Radio Sausalito staff.
  • Radio Sausalito, its staff, and volunteers shall bear no responsibility for lost or stolen items.
  • It will be assumed that a child (18 and under) has the permission of his/her parent or legal guardian when entering contests or bids for giveaways.

(revised – 8/12)

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