We’re easy to reach. See our Contact the Station page.
If you have produced a new jazz CD you think would fit our station’s jazz format, send it to us! See our CD Submissions page.
If you would like to volunteer your time and expertise to our station, you can look through our Volunteer Now! page for ways to pitch in.
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MAIL TO: Radio Sausalito P.O. Box 397 Sausalito, CA 94966 PHONE: 415 332-JAZZ (332-5299) WEBSITE: E-MAIL: General Contact – infoATradiosausalitoDOTorg Jonathan Westerling, Founder & President – jonathanATradiosausalitoDOTorg Music Director – jazzATradiosausalitoDOTorg Submit a Public Service Announcement – psaATradiosausalitoDOTorg To contact specific shows, please click here to see each show’s specific web page.
Radio Sausalito is always on the lookout for new and innovative jazz CDs, especially ones produced by San Francisco Bay Area musicians! If you have produced a radio-quality jazz CD and would like to submit it for airplay consideration, remove the plastic wrapper and send it to the address below. Be sure to include all …
Radio Sausalito is powered by its volunteers. Whether you love jazz, or Sausalito (or both!) contact us today and get the ball rolling! Perhaps you have always wanted to get into radio. Or someone you know listens to radio all the time and would be great behind a microphone. You don’t need a golden voice …