Audubon’s Bay Birds 095 – Caspian Terns

They are the largest tern in the world and they are back in the Bay Area. Listen in to this edition of Bay Birds to learn about the impressive Caspian Tern.


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Audubon’s Bay Birds 094 – Tricolored Blackbirds

Tricolored Blackbirds are in trouble and the majority of their population depends on the Central Valley of California. Listen in to this edition of Bay Birds to learn more about this bird and how you can get involved to help save it.


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A Different Slant 154: Adults Needed for Marin Leadership

Host John Flavin shows it’s time for adults to come to the table to plan the future of Marin County as the current batch of elected officials are acting like ignorant children.


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The Field Trip Episode 086 John Martini Part 3

Third and final part of Mitchell’s interview with author and historian John A. Martini whose book ‘Sutro’s Glass Palace’, The Story of the Sutro Baths has been published by Hole in the Head Press.

For more information on John A. Martini and for his speaking engagements go to:


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Sausalito’s Secret History 028:flying saucer

And then there was the time flying saucers were spotted in Sausalito. . .



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Sausalito’s Secret History 027:Saucelito

When did Saucelito become Sausalito?





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A Different Slant 153: My Mistake and Your Windfall

Host John Flavin admits to a major mistake and tells you how to profit from his error.


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The Field Trip Episode 085 John Martini Part 2

Mitchell continues his chat with historian Martini…

For more info. on Martini go


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The Field Trip Episode 086 John A. Martini Part 1

Mitchell talks with Bay Area historical-consultant John A. Martini, about his book ‘Sutro’s Glass Palace’,the story of Sutro Baths…

Martini’s book, published by Hole in the Head Press ( is filled with photographs of the now defunct baths and beautifully illustrated by Lawrence Ormsby.

More information on John A. Martini available at:


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A Different Slant 151: Dealing with Bullies

Host John Flavin reviews the proper treatment of bullies, whether they be international leaders or local planning officials.


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A Different Slant 150: The Marin Bubble

Host John Flavin reviews life in the Marin County Bubble.


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A Different Slant 152: The Planning Vortex

No one knows the impact of all the recent planning laws and regulations on a particular property…except the developers.  Hello, WinCup!


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Audubon’s Bay Birds 093 – Drought

The drought is hard on everyone, but often we don’t think about the impact it has on wildlife. Listen in to this edition of Bay Birds for a few notes on how birds are being effected by California’s current water shortage.


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Audubon’s Bay Birds 092 – Western Snowy Plover

21 years ago this species joined the unfortunate list of birds considered officially threatened on the Fish & Wildlife’s Endangered Species List. Listen in to this week’s Bay Birds to learn how the Western Snowy Plover has fared and how you can get involved in helping protect this small shorebird.


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Audubon’s Bay Birds 091 – Nests

Bird nests are nothing short of a small miracle. Listen in to this edition of Bay Birds to learn about the remarkable diversity of bird nests.


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The Field Trip: Remembering John Brebner

The Bay Area theater community is mourning the recent loss of actor-director John Brebner…
Brebner learned the acting trade in London, England and in various capacities, spent more than 50 years on the American stage.
This Field Trip episode is a repeat of an interview from November 2011.
In remembrance of John Brebner…RIP John.


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A Different Slant 149: Strawberry’s Victory and More

Host John Flavin reviews the Marin County Board of Supervisors’ decision to delay designating Strawvberry a Plan Development Area and also two reports, one national, one local, of significance to Southern Marin.


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The Field Trip Episode 085 Noah Griffin Part 2

Mitchell continues his interview with Harvard-trained lawyer and media personality Noah Griffin…
Griffin, who currently writes for the Marin Independent Journal, wrote and recorded the official ballad of the Golden Gate bridge and is the founder of The Cole Porter Society, a group dedicated to ensuring that the musical and the cultural heritage of Porter is passed on to future generations.


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The Field Trip Episode 084 Denise Elia-Yen

Mitchell chats with Denise Elia-Yen who is currently appearing in the role of Annie Oakley in the Spreckels Theater Company production of Irving Berlin’s ‘Annie get Your Gun’…


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A Different Slant 148: Engendering Lawlessness

Host John Flavin explores how the high cost of permit fees and the inflexible enforcement of building codes is driving homeowners and contractors alike to lawlessness.


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The Field Trip Episode 085 Noah Griffin Part 1

Mitchell talks with Noah Griffin about ‘The Cole Porter Society’ and his upcoming performance ‘Noah Griffin and Friends present An Evening of Cole Porter’ at the Barn Theater in Ross, California, to benefit The Ross Valley Players and The Cole Porter Society.

To buy tix:

To find out more about Noah Griffin:


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Audubon’s Bay Birds 090 – Barn Owls

They may be considered ubiquitous, but they still deserve our attention and thoughtful threat reduction. Join us for our last in this owl trilogy as we focus on the Barn Owl.


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A Different Slant 147: Evaluating the Performance of the Sausalito City Council

Host John Flavin applies the criteria outlined by Dick Spotswood in a Marin IJ piece in late January to the Sausalito City Council to determine whether the council members qualify as “A Team” or “F Troop.

As promised during the show, here is the script from the show annotated with the sources John references to support his determinations:  Annotated Script A Different Slant Show 147


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Audubon’s Bay Birds 089 – Burrowing Owls

This week on Bay Birds we dive underground with the Burrowing Owl – they may be small, but they make up for stature with charisma!


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A Different Slant 146: Interview of Chris Jones re High Density and Green House Gasses

Host John Flavin interviews Chris Jones, a doctoral candidate at UC Berkeley’s Energy and Resources Group, regarding his research into the impact of high density development in the suburbs on green house gas emissions.  You may be surprised by his conclusions.

Several tools are mentioned during the show and you can find them at:

The website with the carbon footprint calculator is:

And the FAQ for Chris’ research is at:

Finally, if you want to find out more regarding the CoolCalifornia City Challenge, go to:








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