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Webmaster 002: Streaming and Music Podcasts

We will soon be providing two new things: 1) Live Streaming of our Broadcast and 2) Podcasts of our excellent music shows.

To make that happen, we still need to find a consistent source of funding to pay for the Internet Licensing of the copyrighted material we use — basically, the music. With the additional funding in place, Radio Sausalito will be a full-on global powerhouse! (Well, maybe a cool, local powerhouse anyway.)

So please donate today! See our Donate Now! page, and support our Next Big Step!

Thank You for your generous support!…..Court Mast,….Webmaster


(Below is a test audio file for feed validation.  This file will be removed as more podcasts are added….Thank You)


Permanent link to this article: https://radiosausalito.org/webmaster-001-streaming-and-music-podcasts/