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Gumbo airs Tuesdays from 4-5pm, repeating  Tuesday and Saturday from 8-9pm (Tuesday from 4-5pm Marin Cable 26).


Host RuthAnn Spike. Photo by Michael Neville.

Gumbo is a weekly jazz and blues radio show featuring the music, culture and people of New Orleans, Louisiana. It’s gonna be tasty — each week we share a bit of the legacy of the City That Care Forgot. New Orleans music is a unique mixture of jazz, blues, soul, funk, gospel, marches, and Latin rhythms. It all cooks up together into the stew that is New Orleans today.

I’m RuthAnn Spike, and I first fell in love with NOLA when I went to Mardi Gras in 1991. I’ll root around for interesting live recordings of Crescent City traditional jazz classics and share modern mixtures from hot new artists like Trombone Shorty. Assuming I do my voodoo right, you just might want to go there and hear it for yourself. If New Orleans is a city that lives in the imagination of the world, then Gumbo will give you a little bit of its soundtrack! Welcome to Gumbo!

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